Zudarts 同名畫冊 3 - 魄

NT$ 400  |  創作插畫本  |  A4本/88頁/精緻印刷

ZUDartS同名畫冊2 - 光影 (缺貨中)

NT $300  |  創作插畫本  |  B5本/112頁/精緻印刷


NT $150  |  創作插畫本  |  B5本/32頁/精緻印刷


This product includes PSD and Video
Video duration – 2hrs
This copy study of the swan is a sketching practice in my art course.
Recorded about 1.5 – 2 hours, and also explained some drawing concepts to classmates on the way ~
Explained the methods and concepts about drawing